Wednesday, December 28, 2011

S o . m u c h . t o . b l o g . a b o u t ! ! !

I have so much to blog about that I am writing a blog about how much I have to blog about.

Look forward to:

  1. Craft adventures
    1. crayon melting
    2. spoon bending
    3. magnet making
    4. magnet board making
    5. eraser carving
    6. play-mat making
    7. bracelet making
    8. wall-hang making

      Holy crapola I made a lot of stuff!!
  2. Ein, my  our new puppy
  3. Christmas (and all it entailed) 
  4. New years!!

See ya!

1 comment:

  1. P.s. I forgot to take pics of a few of my crafts... hopefully I can get the gift recipients to send me some!
