I found an old blog I used to keep.
It got me thinking... to have found it, that means I had lost it. Right? Maybe not, but still. Or I was lost from it. Like it was an old house.
There is a lot of talk about internet citizenship, who you are on the web, and internet "real estate." We go to web addresses and keep our faces in a book. We keep web logs, or "blogs," which seems like such an interesting thing to call it, now that I think about it.
We bloggers, we say "I have a blog online," the more professional or experienced tell you what they blog on, perhaps sewing, or cooking, or photography. Perhaps their daily life, their cats. Basically, we are saying "I keep a log about ___ on the web. You should read it."
What if we kept these logs in books? Some of us still keep diaries, but those are private. "Log" seems like either something scientific, like recording how often your cat snores while he is sleeping, or a broken tree.
Anyway, so blogging... public logs... telling people "come read my stuff" ...what does that say?
Or when we post something on a social networking site and practically pray for comments. Feedback. Support.
I found an old blog I used to keep. I found it, and I read some thoughts I used to have. I realize I have made similar mistakes, and new ones. I realized that I probably forget most things immediately after I write them, because how could I remember all that???
I have years of blogs. I have kept one (sporadically) since about 2005. In the days of tblog. Livejournal. In the days when blogging was basically a community. It was bloggers who read each others' blogs. We poured over people and their mundaneness and spouted our opinions in their comment sections.
We bounced in our chairs with excitement when xXzGiRLxOfxFirE_777 told us that every single word of our blog was amazing. When hatefedlove told us our poems were deep. When smiles6are6lies6 posted a new blog and mentioned you.
When ixamxaxzebra made you a sign.
When you made them a sign back and they left you comments and you felt like you had a secret life.
I found an old blog I used to keep. I found it and I remembered all this and now my friends, my family, and more, read my blog.
It is a TOTALLY different dynamic.
It's not even all people who actually write blogs who read them. In fact, there are literally famous blogs and bloggers who have books at barns and noble (I love you oatmeal) and that will have books soon (hyperbole, we miss you!) and I WANT TO WRITE A BOOK.
There. I said it. I want to write a book. A novel.
I don't want to be that person who is like 'blah blah blah working on my novel'
but that's who I am. Because I am a blogger? Maybe. Because I grew up on the web? Maybe.
I am an internet citizen, and a writer. I have done hard time for web crime (and by that i mean i cyberbullied and got my computer taken away). I take pictures while thinking of what people will think about when they see them online not on walls. Is that weird?
Is blogging weird?
Do I care??
You ALWAYS rock!!