Ok so I am walking Waylon, right? And these joggers are coming down the sidewalk. We are near our house, so waylon is getting kind of worked up that these two guys are quickly approaching our house, so he starts to puff up. He didn't bark, just puffed up and pulled on the leash really hard. I pull him off to the side of the sidewalk. It's like...

... but anyway he can just barely reach the sidewalk, and I'm trying not to stand in the street (which is behind me).
The joggers completely ignore our existance. I swear, if we were ON the sidewalk, they would have ran us over. They talked to each other. Waylon kinda grumbles a little, and goes to sniff them and check them out (quickly, cuz they are running by) and WHACK the jogger smacks his hand into waylon's mouth.
Literally causing waylon to "bite" him even without trying....
"Ouch, that one hurt" he says to the other guy, they keep jogging.
"Did he bite ya?" other guy says
"I think I got a bloody knuckle"
...they continue down block and around the corner.
Well then!!! DUH!! Don't be an idiot. Steer clear of the overexcited, oversized, unneutered dog held by a college student that doesn't weigh much more than he does. And just in general, try not to punch dogs IN THE TEETH.