Hey blog readers ^_^
As you may know by now from my facebook or my google+, Les and I got a puppy. Not just
any puppy. We got Ein, our fluffy pembroke welsh corgi.
We met him in November and, risking sounding cliche, he stole our hearts. We had been in contact with the breeder for a while at that point.
Actually, I had put out feelers a few months prior to a couple breeders that we were hoping to get a puppy this summer.
Lois, Ein's breeder, e-mailed us when we got back from our trip to Wisconsin.
(Which was not a planned vacation, rather, a very uprooting, depressing event which brought us there).
Let me tell you, when you are feeling sad, and someone offers you a puppy... well...
I told her I wanted to see them. I told her we will try to make it work. I told her that this just may be the perfect thing for us.
I told her all about Les and I, our recent trip to WI, our pets, my school, our future plans... I asked her about the puppies, and the parents, and her home and life.
She sent us photos of the pups. She told us we sounded like perfect corgi owners. She told us about Rafa, the father, and Tynley, the mother. She showed us their photos, and their records. She told us about herself, her husband, and their history with corgis... about their pet corgis, and their Thanksgiving.
We exchanged e-mails for a while... and at I think about 7.5 weeks, we went to her house to pick out our puppy, Ein.
I don't want you worrying. All the while, I was already researching training and such for my Journalism class. So of course, we did some extra searching about puppy training, classes, and other stuff offered around here. Finding how much kindergarten was, how much shots were, etc.
We picked him up and took him home on Christmas Eve.
In this pic, he looks a little sad because he can't find his ice cube. Can you find it?
The breeder taped up his ears so that the cartilage would build faster. We ended up taking it off a little early because it drove Ein so nuts he was pulling it off himself.
I have loads of pics of Ein on my flickr page, and on FB and G+. Here are just a couple of my many many favorites. :)
He's now had his second round of shots, and he started kindergarten last Saturday and loves it! :)
Thanks for reading! Check a box below!!